Saturday, 23 April 2011


Hi everyone, hope everyone one is good.
For the last couple of weeks there has been no blogging from me. I have spent most of my time on the computer going thru other peoples blogs for inspiration and going through some of my favourite blog, thru to their very first blog entry. With House of 3 closing down,{wipe away a tear and blow nose}, I have been buying some of their digital files, lots actually. At the moment they have 50% of everything. I have been going thru the blog reading up on their creative talents and amazing projects.
Since the beginning of school holidays I have also been just enjoying spending time with the kids, playing games, cooking, crafting and watching some of their favourite movies with them. It has been so nice to just relax and not to put too much pressure on myself to get certain things done.
I guess the biggest change around here is that I am a NON SMOKER!!!!!! Yeah! Its been 20 days now and apart from seeing the occasional person on TV smoking, I don't miss it at all.
On Friday, Good Friday, I finally got around to making the spinach and pumpkin salad for the family. I forgot to put the feta cheese and only had mixed nuts, Tony had used the pine nuts for something else without me knowing, but it was still nice and more importantly, the family liked it.

Tonight we had another yummy dinner and the whole family asked for the pumpkin spinach salad. This time I did put in pine nuts and feta cheese as well as some baby roma tomatoes- YUMMY. Maddii asked to take the left over to work with her tomorrow. A real family favourite and went beautifully with our garlic buttered fish and bacon shallot mash. Thank E2C girls.

Tomorrow I am going to make the broccoli and cranberry salad and the sticky date pudding from retreat, can't wait.
Better go I think I can hear the Easter Bunny scratching at the door. Hope he is good to you all and bring you lots of chocolate eggs from the chocolate forest.

1 comment:

Tiff Firth said...

me too re the non smoker. havent had one since the first day of retreat. you have motivated me!

enjoy the easter break matey.
