Sunday, 10 October 2010

Hi everyone!!!

Sunday, 10th October 2010.
Wow!, I cant believe that I have done it, started my own blog, something I've been wanting to do for the last couple of years but had no idea on how.  First I would like to say "welcome" but please bear with me as this is a first for me and when it comes to computers, Im still on my L's.
This blog is a way for me to share creative ventures with family and friends that are spread all over. If anyone else is interested and wants to leave a comments that would be great, as my DH and DDs are not really interested in what I create.
Well here goes.....

 For  Lavender's 12th birthday I made an 8 layer rainbow cake. As you can see it was huge!!! But very yummy. I got the idea after watching an episode of Martha Stewart.


sandra said...

Your first post!!
That cake looks AMAZING!!!
That would of taken ages!
and Lavender looks pretty happy with it too!!
Looking forward to many more posts and seeing your gorgeous layouts and creations on here!

Gina B said...

Thanks Sandra!!!! Hope you have a great weekend, cant wait to see what you do.

Maryanne Ridgway said...

hi gina
Im rapt to see you have a blog, Ive seen some of your layouts at leonies before and have loved them, so really looking forward to seeing more of your layouts on here.....please..

Maryanne Ridgway said...

ps.the cake looks awesome!!!

Gina B said...

Thanks Maryanne.

Meredith said...

Wow what an amazing cake - very clever!I see photos of cakes like that and think ... too hard!! LOL Fantastic!